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Christmas Present December 31, 2008

Posted by Jeremy in Business, Business Solutions, Efficient Technologies, Tools.
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Before I start I will have to warn you that this post is an idea ramble.  I decided to write down the thoughts that were stumbling through my head.  Enter at your own risk!

Christmas is a great time of year.  Everyone is festive (at least before Christmas) and for most the spirit of the season is in the air.  Also, you get to give/get presents.

My big gift this year was a Garmin GPS unit.  It is one that has traffic update technology built in.  Guess what else is built in to it?  Advertisements.  Very smart move on Garmin/the advertisers part.  Every so often a lit ad pops up on the screen (not too intrusive).

It got me thinking about a couple of things.  First, how long until companies will be able to broadcast coupons/ads when you near their stores?  Imagine your favorite restaurant being able to let you know what today’s special is as you near the corner.  Great advertisement.

The second thought I had was how many ways companies could use this type of technology to make them more efficient.

  • Couriers can use this technology to route their trucks.  That’s a simple one.
  • What about planning a stop at that client you haven’t seen for a while after your lunch meeting because you notice the icon on the GPS.
  • Maybe the tech support company who can know where all of their resources are at any time so when that client calls with a huge issue they can send the nearest technician.
  • Shipping companies who are able to see where loads exist and where they are headed and can give discounts so they don’t have to run half empty.

I think that there are probably a hundred different things that specifically tie to the GPS systems alone.  Think about integrating your phone with Internet access with the GPS in the phone to provide data.  This technology exists today.  You can get the lowest gas prices near you.  You can compare grocery prices on your phone.  These are the first wave of applications of the technologies.  What is coming for this?

How can you utilize the new phone, GPS, PDA, smartphone, etc technology to make your business better?  Can you provide your staff more accurate data?  Can you make your customer’s experience easier?  Give it a try!